IAU MDC Database / Submission of new data

The new meteor data submitted to the IAU MDC:

   From 2021, the IAU MDC accepts new data from the meteor observers in
the electronic form. The data that meets following requirements will
be accepted:

 * the data had to be published in a peer reviewed journal before they
are submitted to the IAU MDC; it means that there was published a paper
or papers with a description of observational facility used to detect
the meteors and description of the method of processing of observations,
as well as the way of calculating the presented parameters; the
references to this paper(s) are demanded to be sent to the IAU MDC
together with the data (it is assumed that the papers will be cited by

 * for each meteor, compulsory parameters must be given, which are:
  -- date of the meteor detection (in form year, month, day and fraction
     of day giving the time of meteor detection in U.T.),
  -- right ascension and declination of the geocentric radiant (in
  -- geocentric and heliocentric velocities (in km/s),
  -- perihelion distance of meteor orbit (in AU),
  -- its numerical eccentricity,
  -- argument of perihelion (in degrees),
  -- longitude of ascending node (in degrees), and
  -- inclination (in degrees).

The angular paramaters should be referred to the actual equinox of
J2000.0. Ideally, at least some of these parameters should be given with
their error limits.

   Besides the compulsory parameters, the authors of new data on the
meteors can also supply some of 21 additional paramaters for every
meteor. See the complete list of all parameters (Narziev M. et al.:
2020, Planetary and Space Science, Vol. 192, art.id. 105008; Table 1).
The authors can ask the IAU MDC to add another parameter(s) if they
regard such the addition as necessary or very useful. There will be,
then, a discussion after which the IAU MDC will accept or reject the
proposal of the new parameter(s).

 * the submitted data must contain only the meteors detected in one
calendar year or the period covering several whole years, i.e. more than
a single submission of meteors detected in the same calendar year should
not occur

 * submitting the data to the IAU MDC, the authors agree that these will
become the public-domain data, which can be downloaded by every user
without any restrictions; of course, the data can also be available
through the web site established and managed by the authors (by a
request, the IAU MDC will give the link to the original web site on
the appropriate IAU MDC web page)

 * to make the submission, please contact the MDC-orbit-database team
via e-mail on: mdc_orbits [at] astro.sk

The IAU MDC policy concerning the received data:

   With the newly added data to the IAU MDC database, a new version of
this database will be established. The newly received data will become
publicly available after the release of the new version. It is assumed
that the new version will be released once a year (or once per several
years if no data or only a small bulk of the data is received after
the release of the last version).

   The IAU MDC will assign the unique identification code to every new
meteor. The data will consist of autonomous catalogs; a given submission
of the data will be, usually, regarded as a single catalog. The merging
of the catalogs will be enabled to a user at the download of the data.
In the IAU MDC web site, a user can also choose the structure of the
data for the download (in which parameters he/she is interested in).